How do we learn to reach for Better-Feeling thoughts when we're someone who has created a habit of always having to put out fires? How does a drama queen who wants to begin having the life of her dreams change her thoughts and drop drama and the over-drama?
GREAT Questions...and if you've been asking these questions, or ones like them, you've already begun the work. Really! You have!
The first step is always acknowledging that what we do habitually, does not always serve us. In fact, it rarely serves us unless they are very positive habits, like ALWAYS expressing gratitude for even the smallest things. Those among us who express gratitude the most are the ones who have the most fulfilling, successful lives. Begin practicing gratitude and you'll see. Every morning! Every night! Every moment throughout the day that a moment lends itself, even a little bit, to expressing gratitude, do! Begin making it a habit. They say doing something consistently over a period of 21 days establishes a habit. After 21 days it becomes second nature. (
Take a deep, slow, calming breath. (In fact a breath is a great place to start! And the easiest, and possibly most effective negative-thought-stopper) and while you inhale think, "Oh wow! Thank you for this breath! It feels GREAT to bring fresh oxygen to my tense, angry and stressed out body! Wow! That breath feels REALLY GOOD!" And then take another one and think the same thought again. "Thank you for that BREATH! WOW! It feels REALLY GOOD!" And...
Reaching for better-feeling thoughts is, of course, another great habit to get into and it goes along with gratitude. A Thought of Gratitude is a great thought to shift to if you find yourself in a pattern of negative thoughts. Catch yourself. That's the first step. Notice your stinking thinking. Notice it...and catch it. Then, with purpose, change your thoughts right then!
Skim through other possible thoughts in THAT moment....
thoughts of gratitude might be easy because they sometimes come with a face that you love or at least that you appreciate. Think of the faces of people that you appreciate, and think of the reasons why you appreciate them. Take a deep, slow, calming breath. (In fact a breath is a great place to start! And the easiest, and possibly most effective negative-thought-stopper) and while you inhale think, "Oh wow! Thank you for this breath! It feels GREAT to bring fresh oxygen to my tense, angry and stressed out body! Wow! That breath feels REALLY GOOD!" And then take another one and think the same thought again. "Thank you for that BREATH! WOW! It feels REALLY GOOD!" And...'s a GREAT place to start and we're going to go GREAT places together. developing these great habits..these ARE life-changing habits! Phenomenal change of future is ahead! Take a Breath! Let's Go-oooo!
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